WSL Goes viral between developers

WSL stands for "Windows Subsystem for Linux"

Windows tried to make a great jump in their industry, and introduced the stable release of WSL in 2019

Any Linux user is just a Web Developer, Programmer, or Cyber Security interest; they are not just normal people who works with a lot of opened windows, and it's not knows as a popular OS between the folk, that's making changing your default OS to Linux is such a very exhausting process, that is because there is a lot of things that become not available like :

  • Games
    • There is no games in here, so there is no LOL, or epic games, or even ordinary games like Resident Evil.
  • Programmes
    • Adobe produces
    • Game Development engines
    • etc.

maybe Linux users community found a solution for these problems, which is Wine, and it gives you the Windows needed environment to open windows games or applications, maybe after a long time of fixing bugs, but it is working because the community are a group of Nerds and Geeks. However, the point of how it will be hard for any end-user to deal with Linux distros is shown in here, so why not making a process that gives you a Linux kernel in you windows device.

We recently announced Bash on Ubuntu on Windows which enables native Linux ELF64 binaries to run on Windows via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This subsystem was created by the Microsoft Windows Kernel team and has generated a lot of excitement. One of the most frequent question we get asked is how is this approach different from a traditional virtual machine. In this first of a series of blog posts, we will provide an overview of WSL that will answer that and other common questions. In future posts we will dive deep into the component areas introduced. Posted on behalf of -- Deepu Thomas.

that was in April 22th, 2016 - and that was a revolutionary announcement, like guessing have both the power of Windows Servers and Linux Servers by using WSL only, that was a great thing, you can see the whole blogs from 2016 to 2019 in here, which btw in 2019 becomes very easy to use :

  • just with windows retouch become with a few clicks to turn on the feature
  • go to the Windows Store to download the Distro
  • searching for the distro and opening it to download it and to create the user
  • open CMD, or Powershell and write wsl

congratulations you have a linux terminal inside your windows device with no VMs, or Dual boots.

However using Linux is like a drug, make everyone addicted to it, so leaving it become very hard to achieve, but using WSL will make a lot of users get back to windows, because they got what they need "some Linux features only".

on Reddit : WerdoNerd